Saturday, August 17, 2019

That You Might Believe - John 5-6

It is important that you understand John's theme for writing another Gospel. It states it in John 20:31 as follows: "But these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name." John's gospel was written so that you and I would believe the Jesus was God's son and that in that belief we would have life and not death. In this section of the book we see John's writing providing us with the very words and story we need to believe to have "life in HIs name." The Jewish leaders were not pleased with Jesus doing miracles and especially on the Sabbath. They were furious that He, through His words and actions, was making Himself "equal with God." That was the point!!! It is amazing how religious people can be the most dull when it comes to spiritual things. In these stories and teachings we see that truth demonstrated so much. The teaching of chapter six (eat my flesh - drink my blood) was so difficult that many "disciples" left Jesus at the lecture hall as a result. Peter, being Peter, is quick to add he "gets it." However, earlier in the passage they all sat around scratching their heads. Only God can reveal Biblical truth. Preachers, teachers and the like can make it as clear as day but only God can reveal the truth in it in a way that converts the soul and causes belief. Let's not think we are so "wise" that "we get it" and "others just don't." God reveals truth through writers like John, but it is the Spirit who makes us understand (6:63,34).

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