Thursday, March 28, 2019

Tag; God Obscures His Creation - Job 25-26

Job 26:9
He covers the face of the full moon
and spreads over it his cloud.

Tag:  God Obscures His Creation

The response above is found in the section where Job is replying to his friends and declaring the greatest and mystery of God.   His point in this section is to tell how great God is and how God is in complete control ... but, some things are hidden by God.  In the above verse the thing hidden is either metaphorically the moon or God’s throne.  The word translated above for “moon” can often, also be translated “throne.”   It seems in the context of Job talking about God’s control and power over creation, the best interpretation would be “moon.”   However, Job is also stating in this chapter that God is not only awesome and in complete control, but also that God’s power and purposes are often obscure to us.   Whatever the meaning of the word, the passage is saying plainly that God is and does have power over His creation.  Since Job is one of God’s creation, Job must be willing to accept what God has done and will do with His creation.   This is where Job gets into trouble.   Job wants God to justify what He has done to Job.  God, as the Creator, does not have to justify Himself or what He does with His creation to anyone.   The next time we see the clouds obscure the sun or the moon we might want to recall this verse and remember that God is the Creator and, at times, obscures His Purpose in our lives ... but He is still the Creator!! 

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