Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Tag: He Lifts Our Head - Pslams 3-5

Psalms 3:3-4
But you, O Lord, are a shield about me,
my glory, and the lifter of my head.
I cried aloud to the Lord,
and he answered me from his holy hill. Selah

Tag:  He Lifts Our Head

Imagine a young son or daughter who has fallen and scrapped their knee.   They are sitting, alone, on the sidewalk, full of tears.  Their head is cast down to the ground.  They are a pile of sorrow.   However, along comes their father and reaches down to comfort them.  He reaches down and puts his hand under their chin and gently lifts their chin to look into their swollen eyes.   They find comfort looking into their father’s eyes.  

This is the scene we have in Psalm 3.   However, instead of falling on the sidewalk, the Psalmist is distraught because of those who are ridiculing him and who are causing him to question his faith.   That is when he is able to breakout and say the above lines of this Psalm.    God is a “shield” for him and the “lifter” of his head.   When we are discouraged, we cast our eyes to the ground.  We walk around with our sadness, looking to ground.  We have lost our hope.  But, with God as our salvation, we have hope.   God lifts our chin to look up at Him.   He, alone, is the lifter of our head.   We can rejoice because we have God as our hope. When the world around us crushes us and makes fun of our faith, we know that we have God as a shield and the one who rescues us from the madness of this world.   

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