Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Tag: God Is There and WILL BE There!! - Psalms 90-92

Psalms 90:1-2
Lord, you have been our dwelling place
in all generations.
Before the mountains were brought forth,
or ever you had formed the earth and the world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God.

Tag: God is There and WILL BE There!!

The above Psalms was actually written by Moses.   The title of the Psalm is as follows:

Psalms 90:1-2
Book Four
Psalm 90
From Everlasting to Everlasting
A Prayer of Moses, the man of God

Moses was “the” man of God ... especially to the nation of Israel.   He was revered (and still is) by the Jewish people.   The opening line of the Psalm is so powerful and meaningful:  “Lord, you have been our dwelling place to ALL generations.”  Some translations say “refuge” instead of “dwelling place.”   The passages teaches that throughout all generations God is there to be a refuge and a safe place to dwell for anyone wanting to come to Him in Faith.   When you think of the “generations” where God has been the refuge and the type of people who have sought Him as a “dwelling place” the list is amazing:

1. Adam sought Him in the garden.
2. Abraham sought Him in Canaan. 
3. Isaac sought Him in his pursuit of a wife.
4. Jacob sought Him when fooled by Laben.
5. Joseph sought Him in prison.
6. Moses sought Him in the desert in a burning bush. 
7. Elijah sought Him at a riverbed and in a cave.
8. Rehab sought Him from a house on the wall of Jericho. 
9. Joshua sought Him in battle. 
10. David sought Him after committing adultery. 
11. Daniel sought Him in a lion’s den.
12. Isaiah sought Him in worship.
13. Jeremiah sought Him from a pit. 
14. Jonah sought Him in rebellion in the belly of a fish. 
15. Nehemiah sought Him in the midst of a destroyed city. 
16. Asaph sought Him when he envied the wicked.
17. Zaccheaus sought Him from a tree.
18. Peter sought Him after he denied Him three times. 
19. Paul sought Him after contributing to the death of Stephen. 
20. John sought Him while lying on his chest. 

The list goes on and on.  Luther, Calvin, Spurgeon, Piper, and countless of preachers from the past and the present, sought to find refuge in Him.   God is here for every type of person and every generation.  We have it in writing.  We have it in example.  And, if we, too, approach Him in faith, we can have it in experience.   

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