Luke 11:27-28
As he said these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts at which you nursed!” But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”
Tag: True Blessedness
When we think of being blessed, our modern society would probably focus on health of kids, depth of relationships with family, wealth of portfolio, length of life and strength of one’s work position. That is what not, however, what Christ would considered blessed. The above two verses are recorded at the end of a miracle of Jesus. He has just cast a demon out of a man. The “religious establishment” is accusing Him of having power to do this work, because He, too, is of Satan (Beelzebub). Christ quiets their criticism with simply logic, stating that if Satan casts out Satan, his evil kingdom would never be able to stand. The implication is that if you, religious leaders, keep fighting with me, Christ, the kingdom of God is divided. This woman in the crowd recognizes the power of Jesus words and the way He was able to stand up to the powerful leaders. She believes, Mary, Jesus mother, should receive blessing because she gave birth to such a wise son. Mary, indeed, is blessed. But, she is blessed because, as a mother, she obey the Word of God when the angel came to her an told her she was going to give birth to the Messiah, having never had relationships with a man. She did not mock, or cringe, she obeyed. A single mother to be, alone in the world, ready to simply obey. That is where Jesus takes the conversation. Jesus raised the bar, without disagreeing with the woman. Mary’s secret was obedience in faith despite the lack of common sense of the Word of God. It made no sense to believe in a virgin birth. But, Mary did. She obeyed God’s Word by faith despite the ridiculousness of her circumstances. This is why Jesus said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” Obeying God’s Word Despite and through your situation is to be blessed above health, wealth, depth, strength and length of life.
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