Thursday, June 21, 2018

Tag: Fail to Ponder - Prepare to Wander - Proverbs 5-6

Proverbs 5:6
She does not ponder the path of life; her ways are unstable, she does not know it.

The key thought in this proverbs is: Fail to ponder, fail to know, fail to grow. In the book of proverbs a women is often used to personify both wisdom and folly (wisdom chapter eight and folly chapter seven). Wisdom is personified as a women on the street who has laid out God's way for us. Folly is a women who is seen as an adulterous. She is in the night calling out to all the naive to attract him into mischief. In his verse we see folly, and adulterous, is failing to "ponder" her path. As a result she is both "unstable" and "ignorant." In our lives when we fail to ponder our path we will eventually be in the dark and in unstable ways. The Psalmist taught us to "number our days" (90:12). We are to measure what we have left in our life and to act accordingly. Folly puts us in the place to pay no attention to the path where we are walking. And, when we don't pay attention we have a habit of walking right off a cliff.  If we fail to ponder we will wander.   God wants us to consider our path.  He does:

Proverbs 5:21
For a man's ways are before the eyes of the Lord,
and he ponders all his paths.

Solomon told us the same thing in the last chapter:

Proverbs 4:26
Ponder the path of your feet;
then all your ways will be sure.

We can fail to ponder our path, but if we do, we will also fail to have positive spiritual growth.   

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