Job 23:13
But he is unchangeable, and who can turn him back?
What he desires, that he does.
Tag: God does as He Pleases
Job’s three friends have been trying to convince Job that the reason for his suffering is his sin. Their main argument is that, when observing life, good things happen to people when they are good and bad things happen to people when they are bad. Job, in chapters 23-24, is giving them examples of where he sees that NOT true. He is pointing out to is accusers (they thought since Job had bad things happen, he must be bad) that there are plenty of people, by his observations, that do bad things, yet go on to live prosperous. So, we can see that these four are at an impasse. Job’s point is bolstered, in his mind, by what he knows about the character of God. The three friends seem to indicated that God is subject to the behaviors of men: If man does bad, God is obligated to punish him; If man does good, God is obligated to reward him. Yet, Job is maintaining (correctly) that God is not subject to man’s behavior in regard to His nature and His plans. We can, like the friends, reduce God to our cosmic puppet; believing we control the strings that makes God act or not act. Yet, as the above verse states, God is “unchangeable” because of our behaviors. We can’t persuade Him or entice Him with our arguments, or our living one way or another. What God does is based entirely on His Word and promises. He has a plan and He can’t change from that plan or go against His character. If God did, He would no longer be God. God is not subject to our behaviors. He DOES observe our behavior and He DOES bless us for obedience. He does chasten ever son He receives. But, those actions are based upon what He pleases and has already planned and promised. The fact that we think we can alter the plans of God is not a true thought. Our prayers should be “... Thy will be done ...”, not “my will be done.” We ought not to pray for God to change things, but rather to empower us to live through things. Job is right, He does not change and who can change His mind?
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