Sunday, August 6, 2017

Tag: Growing to Know Him More and More - 1 Thessalonians 4-5

1 Thessalonians 4:1-2
A Life Pleasing to God
Finally, then, brothers, we ask and urge you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, just as you are doing, that you do so more and more. For you know what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus.

Tag:  Growing to Know Him More and More

There is a fundamental aspect of life to reach "completion" in something.   We go until the work is "done."  We strive until a goal is "reached."  We are measured and when we meet the measurement there is a sense of pride in the accomplishment.  We want 100% on the paper, project or path.   For then we know that we have done the job.   We tend to look at life like bowling.  The score of 300 is called a perfect game.  We can't do better than that.  In golf, however, there is no "perfect" score - there is just a lower score.  In that sport we are measured agains the score of others.   The Christian faith is more like golf and less like bowling.   In faith we have no score it hit to say we made it.  That was Paul's fear, however, for the Thessalonians when he wrote the above passage.  He wanted them to know that they have done a good job, SO FAR.  But, that they were to strive to know God and obey Him, MORE and MORE.  They were not to be content with a score better than others.  They were to strive for the holiness of God.  That is not a measure on this side of heaven we can reach.  So, we are always striving for it, "in the Lord" (meaning that only through the power of Christ can we strive and reach holiness).  Our desire is to know Him, however, more and more.  Each day to grasp a new facet of His character.  We are to "please" Him. Our goal is not to "please" others, but our goal is to please Him.  To make Him glorified in our lives.  That is the goal.  It can't be reached, but is to be strived for.  It will be reached in glory.  But, for now, we strive each day to know Him more and more. 

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