Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Subject: The vexation of the Wicked - Psalm 111-113

Psalms 112:10 (ESV Strong's)
The wicked man sees it and is angry;
he gnashes his teeth and melts away;
the desire of the wicked will perish!

Subject:  The vexation of the Wicked

Those who reject the covenant of God, who despise the Fear of the Lord and are self-governed and self-centered, despise and are vexed in their soul when they see the bounty and beauty of the righteous.   In the preceding verses to the one recorded above, the writer of Psalm 112 is stated the joy, fulfillment and grace that is in the life of those who fear the Lord.   They not only have their "horn filled" (a reference to being blessed by God), they are so filled with God's grace they are gracious to others.   You would think that this graciousness to the world around them would be attractive to the wicked.   In fact, Jesus told us to "let you light so shine before men" that when they see your good works they will glorify Him (Matthew 5:15).  However, this Psalm states that there are some, who when they see the graciousness in the life of the believer, will not be glorifying God but we vexed in their spirit.  They so desire to have their lives blessed that they envy those who fear the Lord.   Yet, because they won't fear God their own desires will perish.   This is the picture of the true depravity of mankind.  They desire to be filled with blessing but their desires perish because they do not submit to the Lordship of Christ.   They see believers filled with God's grace and being gracious to others, and rather than praising God, their envy for blessings stirs their anger and causes them to gnash their teeth.   We may think our blessed lives in Christ would be attractive to the unbeliever.  But, in reality it is a cause for envy and hatred.   The won't submit and can't be blessed.  That is the reason they hate us!!

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