Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Subject: Purpose - 1 Chronicles 25-29

1 Chronicles 29:17-18 (ESV Strong's)
I know, my God, that you test the heart and have pleasure in uprightness. In the uprightness of my heart I have freely offered all these things, and now I have seen your people, who are present here, offering freely and joyously to you. O Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, our fathers, keep forever such purposes and thoughts in the hearts of your people, and direct their hearts toward you.

Subject:  God's Purpose in our Hearts

King David was rejected in regard to his desire to build the Temple.   Instead, God wanted David's son, Solomon, to build it.  But, that did not stop David from preparing all the materials for the building of said Temple.    David inspired the people of God to give to the project, as well.  In the above passage they are celebrating that God had put into their hearts this purpose.   David's praise and prayer to God was that the people would not just have this purpose now (to give of their wealth to God) but would have the purpose of pleasing God in their hearts and thoughts, forever!!!   We can be so fickle as believers.   We get high at the worship service but by Wednesday of that week we are low and non-responsive in our walk with God.   David's prayer was a that the people would never lose this purpose in their lives.  Keeping the purposes of God in the heart and mind is the summarization of Godliness.  Jesus told us that the whole Law could be summed up in loving the Lord our God and keeping Him in our hearts and minds; and loving our neighbors as ourselves.   We are to love God and have His purpose at the very center of our lives.  This is not to be a brief time in our lives or a few times in our lives.  We are to have the purposes of God in our lives always.  

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