Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Subject: Pride - Psalm 30-32

Psalms 30:6-7 (ESV Strong's)

As for me, I said in my prosperity,
“I shall never be moved.”

By your favor, O Lord,
you made my mountain stand strong;
you hid your face;
I was dismayed.

Subject:  Pride

When we have riches we think we can't be moved!!  That is the point of what we read in the portion of this psalm, above.  David was in a place where he mistakenly thought his riches were sufficient to provide him with security.  This certainly wasn't written while he was a young shepherd boy.   This must have been composed when he was in the place of leadership of Israel.   He had, like most in power and privilege, replaced God's sovereign care and security, with temporal and fleeting riches.   Note what one commentary says about these verses:

(Word Biblical Commentary) In his health and prosperity, he had come to a position of self-confidence, thinking that what he had was a consequence of his own achievement. In the context of the Hebrew covenant, self-confidence could be one of the most fundamental sins, for it assumed that health and prosperity were a consequence of human achievement, rather than the gift of the God of the covenant (Deut 8:17-18).

There is no greater sin than the sin of pride and self-achievement.   Satan tempted Eve in such a way.   Satan tempted our Savior in the same manner.  Satan wants us to be self-sustained.   David, however, in the second portion of this passage comes to his senses.   He realizes that his security was only a result of God, working behind the scene and hidden from David's fleshy view.   David is "dismayed" that God would so love him and so care for him, despite his sin of pride.   We need to realize that any security we have on this earth due to achievement, finances, or position is a result of God's favor.   We need to rejoice in that favor, shown to us in such a way.

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