Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Subject: Joy - Psalm 3-5

Psalms 4:6-7 (ESV Strong's)
There are many who say, “Who will show us some good?
Lift up the light of your face upon us, O Lord!”
You have put more joy in my heart
than they have when their grain and wine abound.

Subject:  Joy

Have you ever attended a party and just stood off to the side and simply watched those in attendance laugh and express their feelings of joy?   You know what you see ... Smiles; laughter; hugs; foolish-jesting; togetherness!   There is nothing like a party to bring out the inner self and the ability to forget the struggles of life.   In the above couple of verses from Psalm 4 we have something similar, but very different.  The writer is not at a party. In fact, according to the first verse of the chapter, the writer is in distress.   This is not a happy moment.   The writer's faith is being challenged.   There are some who are taunting him about his faith.    Those mocking him are saying, "Who will show us some good?"  But, David, the writer, turns his focus onto God.  He stops looking at the distress and looks to God for his hope.   He asks God to turn His face toward the trouble.   David is saying, "Look at the situation we are in God!!"   Even though we are given no indication that there is an act of God manifested, note the next thing David says.  This next line comes directly from an act of faith:  "You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound."   Take the joy and smiles and laughter you see I a party and multiple it seven-fold.  That is what happens when you trust God.  God throws a party in your heart.   When we trust God, despite our circumstances, we can be assured of joy in our heart.   This is not a party based upon great circumstances.  This is a type of joy based upon the presence of having peace with God and faith in God.  It transcends all forms of happiness the world can get ... Even from abundance of grain and wine.   God's joy in our hearts is like New Year's Eve, everyday and despite the situation.   That is faith in a powerful and loving God.

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