Monday, September 14, 2015

Truth #260 - The world sees God like another god ... He is NOT!! - Numbers 21-24

Numbers 23:19
God is not man, that he should lie,
or a son of man, that he should change his mind.
Has he said, and will he not do it?
Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?

Truth: The world sees God like another god ... He is NOT!!

In Numbers 21-24 we have the story of Israel requesting to travel "through" Moab.  The King of Moab, Balak, didn't want them in his land, assuming they would "lick up the land as a hoard."   To stop them from coming through the land, Balak decided to higher a prophet of God that lived in the land named, Balaam.  Balak through if Balaam would simply "curse" Israel that would end the national threat.   God, however, told Balaam to "bless" Israel and not curse them.   Balak decides to take Balaam to another spot to observe the nation and ask God, again.   However, Balaam states the same thing and blesses Israel, again.   In this second blessing Balaam states the above words.   Balak had made the mistake of thinking that, like Balaam, God could be bought.  He thought if we just up the anti of place and type of worship, God would change His mind.  In Balaam's reply the above words are what Balak heard.   God is not like man ... that He should lie (something Balak did and observed from other leaders).  God is not like man ... that He should change His mind for greater material things (something Balak did and observed from other leaders).   God is not a liar, saying He WILL do something and DOESN'T do something (something Balak did and observed from other leaders). Man has such a narrow and earthly view of God and His character.   Man interprets the events of the world through this narrow view of God.  They evaluate God's actions through this corrupted lens.   God is God.  We can only understand Him if we read about Him in His Word and, by faith, believe He is who He says He is.  God is NOT like man.  He keeps His promises.   He does what He says He will do.

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