Thursday, May 21, 2015

Truth #144 - God's purpose can't be stopped!! - Job 40-42

Job 42:1-2

​Then Job answered the Lord and said:
“I know that you can do all things,
and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.

We may not know God's purpose.  We may not like God's purpose.  We may not be able to explain God's purpose.   But, one thing Job lets us know in this verse is we can't thwart God's purpose from taking place.   No one can thwart God's purpose(s) from taking place.   What God will do, God will do!!  That can be fearful to some.  If we have no relationship God and don't believe we are His children, we will, most likely, fear God's purposes.   That fear can be manifested in denial ... people simply say there is no God.  That way they don't have to deal with God's purposes.   That fear can be manifested in ignorance ... people simply say they aren't sure if there is a God.  That way they don't have to deal with God's purposes.   The fear can be manifested in defiance ... people simply say that God is wrong about His purposes and they oppose Him to His face.  That way they can ignore God's purposes.   But, God can't be denied, ignored, or destained.  God has a purpose and each act of His purpose is being carried out without a hinderance from man, Satan, evil angels or powers of the unknown.   Job has been rebuked for his presumptuous talk about his pain and suffering.   Job's friends have been, and will be the more, rebuked by God for their false and ignorant counsel to Job in his time of need.  Job's response to that rebuke is a deep repentive confession that acknowledges the ultimate power and Lordship of God's plan and purposes.  If our repenting does not invoke a similar response, then we ought to check the heart of our repentance.   We ought to know God's purpose and we ought be seeking ways to promote God's purposes.  We ought to be aware that some will not be able to accept those purposes and will set their minds out to stop them.  But, in faith, we can rejoice that God's purpose can NOT be thwarted.  

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