Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Truth #122 - God restores us so that we can teach others - Psalm 51-53

Psalms 51:13
Then I will teach transgressors your ways,
and sinners will return to you.

Psalms 51 is a song of David's, confessing his sin and asking for God's restoration.  Most commentators on this Psalm would attribute it to his confession after being discovered in adultery with Bathsheba, of whom Solomon would be later born.   David, in this Psalm, is admitting to his sin and then asking God for restoration.   In the three verses before our above verse, David asks God to not only forgive him but to restore him and replace the shame he felt for a joy only giving to man by God.  Note his plea:

Psalms 51:10-12
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from your presence,
and take not your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
and uphold me with a willing spirit.

David didn't want confession for only forgiveness, alone.  David wanted for forgiveness for restoration.   And, he didn't want restoration for simply his own benefit.  He wanted forgiveness and restoration so he could teach sinners how to avoid his mistakes.   His restoration was for the purpose of teaching.   Most of the time, after we sin, we are in the least mode and mood to do any teaching of others.   And, until we are forgiven and fully restored to Christ, we shouldn't think about teaching.   But, David knew that God had the ability to forgive, restore and enable someone to continue in a ministry for Him.   It is possible to have a teaching ministry after a great sin.   David would later be told there were things he couldn't do, but teaching others he could do.  He would be told by God he could not build the temple, but he still could teach.   God wanted to restore him so he could teach us.   This psalm was written to teach us.   David, despite his great sin, confesses and is restored, for the purpose of telling others about God.   That is the truth God has for us in this passage.  We are all great sinners.   If God waited for a perfectly pure preacher to show up, there would be none but HIs Son.    God restores man to make him a vessel for His use.  Our prayer should be that we would be restored for the purpose of proclaiming the truths of God's Word to others.  That is the truth of restoration.

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