Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Truth #87 - God blesses the righteous and that extends to their children - Psalm 36-38

Psalms 37:25-26
I have been young, and now am old,
yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken
or his children begging for bread.
He is ever lending generously,
and his children become a blessing.

The contrast in these three Psalms (Psalm 36-38) is quite striking.   All three of them speak of the way of the righteous vs the way of the foolish.   Those two are different in that the righteous makes God their hope and put faith in Him for their righteousness and existence and forgiveness for sin (Psalm 38:1-3, 21-22).   The fool begins by saying there is no God and laughs and embraces and enjoys their sin (Psalm 36:1-4).  Not only do they view sin in their lives differently, they have different outcomes in their lives.   In this same chapter we are told the wicked will not be there when you look of him:

Psalms 37:10
In just a little while, the wicked will be no more;
though you look carefully at his place, he will not be there.

The righteous, however, in the above passage, are said to be not only be blessed; so, too, their children.  The righteous man, forgiven by God, knows what grace and mercy are all about.   Yet, the fool can only see the pleasure right in front of them and will be condemned for always chasing it:

Psalms 37:32-33
The wicked watches for the righteous
and seeks to put him to death.
The Lord will not abandon him to his power
or let him be condemned when he is brought to trial.

Psalms 37:35-36
I have seen a wicked, ruthless man,
spreading himself like a green laurel tree.
But he passed away, and behold, he was no more;
though I sought him, he could not be found.

However, the righteous are so blessed by God, God will extend that to their children.   The righteous are so blessed that it runs over and they bless others.   That, too, is said by God our verse for today, to run over into their children.  Not only are the children of the righteous blessed for his righteousness, they are a blessing to others in his old age.   He lives to give to others and lives long enough to see his children give to others.   That is a truth to live for and trust God to work out in the lives of your children.   Live to bless others by the grace of God and you will live to see your children do the same!!!

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