Friday, December 19, 2014

What side do you want to be on in th final battle? Revelation 12-17

Revelation 17:14
These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful.”

Reading Revelations is sometimes tough.   There are various interpretations of different passages and sometimes the imagery is difficult to be assured.  However, despite the mirky waters of some passages, there are some very clear themes and crystal clear outcomes.  In these chapters (12-17) God is pouring His wrath out on the earth; on those who rejected His Word and His Son.   That is quite clear.    In the above verse we also have another obvious outcome:  Christ will win the final battle.  Despite the wrath pouring out on mankind and God continuing to offer them grace and mercy, the world will rebel and wage war against Christ.   Think about that ... about the foolishness of that statement.  How do people, created by God, think they can destroy their Creator?  They can't!   God will overcome them.  Why?  Because there is no king like our King!  There is no lord like our Lord!  God will have the victory in the end.  When reading the book of Revelation there is no secret about that.   How the events will unfold may be, at times, foggy.  But, in the end the fog dissipates and the Victor will stand ... Jesus Christ, Lord of Lords!!    The other truth that is repeated over and over in Revelation is that those who aline themselves with God and His Son, will also stand with Him in the end, as the Victor.   The established truth in God's Word is that we can either be with the world and wage war against Christ, or be with Christ in the end as He is crowned the ultimate victor.    If that is the choice, that really is not choice.  Believe, by faith in Christ's finished work, and we can rejoice along side the Victor in the end.   The path to that end might seem dark and dreary and distant.  But, the end is full of triumph and rejoicing.  

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