Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Do you know what you don't know about God? Psalm 131-133

 Psalms 131:1
"O Lord, my heart is not proud, nor my eyes haughty;
Nor do I involve myself in great matters,
Or in things too difficult for me."

It may be above my pay grade.  In Psalm 131:1,2 we read that there are some things we should not try to understand or some problems we should not try to solve.  We should always realize that some things are above our pay grade, even as believers in an omnipotent God.  In Deuteronomy 29:29 we read that some things are “secret” onto God.  We always want to “figure” everything out.  But, in this life we can't and shouldn't try to figure it all out.  Some things are for God and only for His knowledge.  If we could figure it all out why would we need God?  If we could understand God completely why would we want that kind of God?  God has some things only He knows and we shouldn't try to figure them out.  Paul called parts of the Gospel, a mystery.    When we consider the doctrine of election, we have a mystery.    Many great men of a variety of beliefs about that doctrine.    We should attempt to understand it, only to the point of what God gave us.   Many great men argue about the return of Christ; if there will be one and if so, when will it be?  Again, we should seek to believe and understand to the level of truth that God gave us.   Some talk as though they have it ALL figured out.   To be truthful we know a thimble worth about God.    The ant knows the sugar taste good but has no clue how it is grown, refined, distributed, packaged and purchased.  We know so much about God that is so little in comparison of His greatest.  Our lack of knowing all the things about God should push us to praise, as in this Psalm.   Pride makes us speak like we know it all.   Humility recognizes we are privilege for what God has revealed to us and we ought to be thankful and humble for that.   Praise Him for what you know about Him ... Praise Him more for what you don't know!

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