Monday, November 3, 2014

Did you know the Ten Commandments ... the Law ... was a picture of God's grace? Deuteronomy 10-12

Deuteronomy 10:1-5

​ “At that time the Lord said to me, ‘Cut out for yourself two tablets of stone like the former ones, and come up to Me on the mountain, and make an ark of wood for yourself. I will write on the tablets the words that were on the former tablets which you shattered, and you shall put them in the ark.’ So I made an ark of acacia wood and cut out two tablets of stone like the former ones, and went up on the mountain with the two tablets in my hand. He wrote on the tablets, like the former writing, the Ten Commandments which the Lord had spoken to you on the mountain from the midst of the fire on the day of the assembly; and the Lord gave them to me. Then I turned and came down from the mountain and put the tablets in the ark which I had made; and there they are, as the Lord commanded me.”"

Our God is the God of the second chance!!!     In the above passage we have a simply explanation, by Moses, to the new generation, about the grace and mercy of God.  This new generation was not those who were responsible for the act of idolatry that Moses witnessed after he came down from the mountain with the first tablets of the Ten Commandments.   When he and Joshua came down from the mountain and he saw that Aaron and made a golden calf, it was hard for him to show them the first commandment was to have no other gods before them, but Yahweh.   Moses, in righteous anger or sinful rage, through the first tablets on the ground and destroyed them.  It would be symbolic of what God was about to do with that generation and "could have" done to the entire nation.   But, those who were twenty years old and younger were spared and they are now being told this great truth in the above passage:  God can make things new.   He is the God of the second chance.   Like the word of the Lord coming to Jonah a second time (Jonah 3:1), God comes to us a second, third and many,  many more times to give us grace upon grace.   These two new tablets of the Ten Commandments were not a picture of laws, but a picture of God's grace.  The Law was given in grace ... God could have wiped out the entire nation, but instead He gave them two new tablets ... because He is a God of grace.

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