Monday, June 2, 2014

Do you see yourself as the picture of today's tabernacle in the wilderness? Exodus 37-40

Exodus 40:38 (NASBStr)
For throughout all their journeys, the cloud of the Lord was on the tabernacle by day, and there was fire in it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel.

Imagine the Tabernacle being erected in the middle of the wilderness?   It must have been a sight in the middle of the desert to see the colors of the clothe and the shine of the gold.   The brass sockets would glimmer in the sunshine coming off the desert floor.   The clothe would flutter in the breeze.  Then, in spectacular form, the presence of God, the Glory of God, would fill the place.   All nations, round-about, would  behold the glory of The Lord and the beauty of His Tabernacle, made per God's design with God's people empowered by the Spirit of God.   This IS God's pattern.    God is the God of Beauty.  He puts together a patter for us to follow to make Himself attractive to the world as they see us carry out HIs love.  We can't love.  We are evil and full of envy and strife.   God is love and through us, through HIs Spirit, He produces Love in the wilderness of life.  Imagine if the world could see that.  The bright colors of joy.  The fragrant smell of peace.   The soft and gentle breeze of patients - longsuffering.    Imagine if the world could behold the genteelness and perseverance only made possible as a fruit of the Spirit.  God is constructing His tabernacle on this earth and it is us.   He is filling us with His glory, through the Holy Spirit, each day to make Himself attractive to the world.  Imagine what the world must think when, instead, they see the love ripped by the torrent winds of envy and strife.   Imagine what the world must think when instead of seeing the banner of joy flying over us they see the hot blistering winds of anger.    What does the world think when our gentleness is replaced with grumpy faces and frowned eye-brows?  We are God's tabernacle: Designed by God and filled with the Holy Spirit to be constructed by the skills we are given to use for God and by God.  

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