Friday, June 6, 2014

Do you see God's faithfulness in the midst of turmoil and failure? Lamentations.

Lamentations 3:22-26 (NASBStr)
The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
 For His compassions never fail.
 They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I have hope in Him.”
 The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,
To the person who seeks Him.
 It is good that he waits silently
For the salvation of the Lord.

Lamentation, as an entire book, is properly named.  It is a lament of Jeremiah the prophet when he stops to gaze at the City of Jerusalem.  He sees the destructions, the death, the turmoil and he cries.  His emotion is exposed throughout the book.  There are constant descriptions of what was but is no more. There are numerous vivid terms of tumult and despair.   Jeremiah is looking across at what used to be a glistening lake and is not a stinky swam.   Yet, even in this swam is a lily pad of beauty.   Jeremiah has a spiritual eye, as well as the fleshly eye.   He sees with his flesh the destruction, but he sees with his spirit the hand of God.    Even though people are being taken captive, dying by the sword or starving because of the famine and/or being eaten by the beast of the field, Jeremiah writes the above verses in the midst of this storm.   Jeremiah boldly claims, "God is faithful!"    The God we serve, despite any circumstance that even HE might bring into our lives, is FAITHFUL!   One of the greatest songs of church history (Great is Thy Faithfulness) is composed out of this text.   Jeremiah is telling all those who read that though the night may be dark there is newness in the morning.   God will bless those who wait on Him and continue to believe in His promises, despite the surroundings they may be experiencing.   Daniel, his three Hebrew friends, Joseph, Paul and countless others are examples of people who held onto God's promises despite circumstances.  Jeremiah has a huge voice on this subject.  He was publicly and personally humiliated countless times.  Yet, he held tight to God and could, by experience, pen the above truth.   Great is God's Faithfulness.  

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