Saturday, June 14, 2014

Do you have a body full of light or full of darkness? Do you know why? Luke 11-12

Luke 11:34 (NASBStr)
The eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is clear, your whole body also is full of light; but when it is bad, your body also is full of darkness.

The "light of the body is the eye."  Jesus is using the eye as a metaphor of moral and character readiness.   He is telling us that when a person's eye is "clear" the body is full of light.   But, if the eye is not clear, than the body if full of darkness.   The Greek philosophy for the day in regard to the eye and Jesus' reference about the eye might have peeked the interest of the religious leaders listening to Jesus' teaching.    The eye was the source for all that the person would learn and become.   Those "in the dark" would be lost and had not source of knowledge since they could not behold anything.   Jesus us telling us that if we have a clear eye, we have light in the body.  However, Jesus uses the word "clear" here which can be translated singular.   His message to us is if we have an eye that is singular in nature and focused on the purpose, plan and glory of God we will have a body full of light.  But, if our eye is evil - meaning duplicity in approach ... our own interests before God's - we will have a body full of evil.   Earlier Jesus told us there is nothing hidden that won't be made known.   What we look at determines the light in the body.  Those who walk in darkness don't have to be blind.  The might, in fact, be able to see everything.   But, that is the reason they are in darkness.   God expects us to have our members (eyes, ears, tongue, personality, etc) submitted to Him and not slaves of unrighteousness (Romans 6).   When we have an eye for God and we keep our eye focused on pleasing God we will find our lives full of light.   

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