Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Is your cart making trenches in the earth as you pull it through life? Psalm 63-65

Psalms 65:11 (NASBStr)
You have crowned the year with Your bounty,
And Your paths drip with fatness.

Psalms 65:11 (ESV)
You crown the year with your bounty;
your wagon tracks overflow with abundance.

We often hear those in the business world, especially the self-employeed, state the following, "It was a good year."  Or, regretfully, they might have to say, "This has been a bad year."    If we are believers, however, we ought to be saying the above Hebrew poem.   The writer of this Psalm is giving praise to God for His goodness and His abundant provision.    Like a crown on a king that signifies his majesty and authority, the writer states that God has crowned the year.   The emphasis here is not the crown, but the one who gives the crown ... in this case God.   God uses the bounty of the earth as a reward to the servant singing this Psalm.   He has the authority to give bounty and does so to those who walk in His way.  If you have ever had a good year of profitability or productivity or reward or honor or victory, it is from God's hand that was supplied.   The second line is especially intriguing.   Note the ESV:  "your wagon tracks overflow with abundance."    The writer is telling us that the wagon is so full it is make deep tranches and tracks and, in those tracks, falls the overflow of the wagon.   That is a completely full wagon!!   Imagine that God blesses you so that your wagon is so full it is getting stuck in the dirt and you can't pull it and then imagine the overflow of the wagon is pouring out into those furrows.   That is a great picture of how God can bless and wants to bless us.   It is important to know that God wants to do that for us.  Not so we can boast about our tax return.   He does not bless us so we can boast about OUR skills or OUR earnings.  We love to brag about what we earn.  We don't do it verbally, as that would be arrogant and turn people off.  Instead we brag about what earn by what we buy.  We show off our earnings through out toys.   In this Psalm the writer brags about God's blessing.  He wants God to have the praise.   God crowns the year with bounty and makes the wagon so full it digs dip trenches in the earth that are filled with the overflow of what He gives us.  That is what blessing looks like when we follow God in faith.  "Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life."  

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