Saturday, May 31, 2014

Did you know that wisdom WILL always produce fruit in those who believe in Her? Luke 7-8

Luke 7:35 (NASBStr)
Yet wisdom is vindicated by all her children.”

In the above passage we have the Pharisees (the religious leaders of the day) being challenged by Jesus.   He is telling them that even though they criticized John the Baptist one way and Jesus, Himself, the other way, in the end, both would be vindicated.   Vindication will allows come with God's master plan.   We might hear people make arguments against God, His Son and His plan, but in the end, the plan will prove to be right and they fruits of it eventually known.    There are many who argue the even the very existence of God.   Yet, Wisdom (the personification of Wisdom is God speaking) is vindicated by Her children ... God will make Himself known to even those who doubt He exists.   This is true of God and true of the lives we live.  Jesus is one person to say this and believe, but He was the Son of God.   However, John the Baptist is someone else.   People criticized him and only by faith could he believe he would be, one day, justified by the fruits of his labor.   He didn't see immediate fruit, but he was acting in the plan of God by faith in God.   God had promised him if he did "x" than "y" would happen.  This is true with all the prophets.  It is true with all those who serve God.   But, "x" is always obedience powered by faith in God's grace.   God is in charge of "y", but we are in charge of believing God's promises and allowing HIs grace to empower us to succeed.   Wisdom is vindicated by all her children.   

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