Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Do you know you are blessed? Does it show on your face? Psalm 30-32

Psalms 32:1 (NASBStr)
 How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven,
Whose sin is covered!

Take the above verse and make it your mantra throughout the day.   Allow it to seep deep into your heart and meditate upon the thought of it and the truth of it.   Allow it to infect you and affect you.   As you allow it to permeate the heart, it WILL make an impact on the face.    When others ask you the reason for the smile, the joy, the uplifted spirit, tell them this great truth.   The word "blessed" in the Hebrew is "ashre".   Read what Vine says about this awesome one-word describer of those who are forgiven:

VINE:  ‘ashre (אשר, 835), “blessed; happy.” All but 4 of the 44 biblical occurrences of this noun are in poetical passages, with 26 occurrences in the Psalms and 8 in Proverbs. Basically, this word connotes the state of “prosperity” or “happiness” that comes when a superior bestows his favor (blessing) on one.

The word blessed is not just the word forgiven in another context.  The word blessed means that we have been given something in the transaction.  God has "bestowed" favor on us.   That is God's grace.   He has bestowed His grace on us.   Who can't get excited about that.   When we allow the struggles of life and the strife of the world to change our disposition we fail to realize and remember what God has done for us.  He has covered our sin.   That means it is taken care of and we never have to suffer punishment for it.  Christ paid for the punishment.   Yes, if we continue in sin as believers in Christ, we might be disciplined by the hand of a loving Father, but never again punished for it.  We are blessed because HIs grace has covered our sin.   Live like you are blessed.  Laugh like you are blessed.   Be victorious in your life ... you are blessed.  

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