Saturday, March 29, 2014

Do you ever bring God a half-baked-out-of-the-box-lame-idea in prayer? Mark 5 & 6

Mark 6:35-37 (NASBStr)
When it was already quite late, His disciples came to Him and said, “ This place is desolate and it is already quite late; send them away so that they may go into the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat.” But He answered them, “You give them something to eat!” And they *said to Him, “Shall we go and spend two hundred denarii on bread and give them something to eat?”

When we foresee a problem, what do we begin to think in regard to a solution? In the above passage we see a picture of those who's thought process began with the typical worldly mind-set, of the flesh as compared to to Jesus, who had a spiritual and heavenly mind-set, of faith.    The disciple saw the multitude and, using their world based view, suggested that the local markets could supply the food this mass of people needed.  Therefore, the solution was to "send them away" and all commerce to solve the problem.   Imagine if there were some bakery, deli or pizza parlor owners in the crowd.   They would be send messengers back to their shops to tell them to heat the ovens, there is a gold rush coming.   This solution would be a typical text-book solution to the problem.  However, the real issue for Jesus was not exactly the crowd.  He wanted to teach His disciples.   He wanted them to see with the eyes of faith, not the eyes of the flesh.  Soon He would be leaving them and they would be lead only by the Spirit of God.  You don't see the Spirit leading by fleshly eys.   You only see the Spirit's leading through the eyes of faith.  Provision of man and by man is easy.  Even those with horrible credit can find someone to loan them money.  Although the interest rate is high, they can still find a way ... through the flesh.  The eyes of Faith are for the spiritual minded.  Here the disciples were living with the Son of God.  They had sleep on the same hills and laughed over the same meals as the One who healed many, cast out many demons and taught amazing truth.  Yet, not one of them saw that the solution would be to have Jesus feed the people.  Instead they came to Him with a half-baked-out-of-the-box-lame-idea.   How many times do we come to God in prayer with the same half-baked-out-of-the-box-lame-idea and ask Him to solve the problem THIS way?   Abraham knew that God had promised him that his son would produce offspring as vast as the sands on the sea shore.  But, when he and Sarah became old, Abraham brought God a half-baked-out-of-the-box-lame-idea to allow the son of Sarah's handmaid, Ishmael, to be the heir.  Abraham, like these disciples, couldn't see the power, strength and capability of the ONE they serve.  Jesus wants them to see with Faith what He CAN do, not through flesh of what we USUALLY do.    

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