Friday, January 17, 2014

Do you know what to do when you know you won? Isaiah 12-17

Isaiah 12:4-5 (NASBStr)
And in that day you will say,
“ Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name.
 Make known His deeds among the peoples;
 Make them remember that His name is exalted.”
 Praise the Lord in song, for He has done excellent things;
Let this be known throughout the earth.

When something great happens to you, do you not want to tell others?   When we have a baby born we want to post it on a billboard.  When we graduate from an educational institution we call all of or friends and announce it and have a party.   When our team wins an important game we wear their colors and boast of our allegiance to them, as if we contributed, somehow, someway, to their winning.   We love to sing the praises of great things.  This is the theme that Isaiah is addressing in the above passage.  Before actually telling the nation why they should sing the praises of God, he tells them how and declares they should.   In the next few chapters Isaiah is going to tell them that all the nations that now torment them and that God is going to use to discipline them, are going to be destroyed, and, themselves, brought into punishment.   God is going to save them.  Praise God for that salvation.  Even though they deserved to be annihilated, God was going to forgive them.   As a result, Isaiah tells them to shout it from the roof tops.  You have been forgiven.  Tell the world.   Having forgiveness expressed to you is so liberating.   No longer in the chains of bondage; no longer under the threat of wrath; no longer in the shame of guilt, God has forgiven us.    We need to praise Him out loud for that.   We win a game and we stand and shout and even rush the field.   We are forgiven and we hide it under a bushel basket.   "Let this be known throughout the earth," the last line reads, above.   We need to wear the colors of forgiveness and shout the victory song of freedom from sin and punishment for sin.   That is what God wants us to do with our salvation.  Tell others so that they too can be free.  

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