Monday, October 14, 2013

What if God sets you down? Deuteronomy 1-3

Deuteronomy 3:28 (NASBStr)
But charge Joshua and encourage him and strengthen him, for he shall go across at the head of this people, and he will give them as an inheritance the land which you will see. ’

Despite the fact that Moses was rejected by God as the leader who would lead the people into the promise land, he still had a responsibility - like David, who was rejected to build the temple - even though he was rejected from the bigger blessing.   We tend to take an all or nothing approach to these type of situations in life.   When, in reality, we ought to look at them as simply the same blessing to serve God but in different avenues.   When we are rejected from one path for God, there is always another we can take.  Think of Barnabas.   Barnabas was rejected from going on the second missionary journey with Paul.  Barnabas saw some profit in a young man named, John Mark.   Paul didn't.   So, Paul headed out on his own, having rejected his missionary-mate.   But, Barnabas didn't sit and stew on it.   Instead he trained John-Mark, who would later become valuable to Paul. Moses, here in this text, was rejected as a leader but not as a leader-trainer.   He may not be the one in the front to lead the way but he was able to train the one who would lead the way.  He was to not only encourage Joshua, he was to strengthen him.  Moses wasn't to be envious of the leadership given to Joshua.  He was to transfer his skill sets to the young man who would lead the nation into the promise land.   Moses hand would forever be on the people because his hand was on the leader of the people.   If you are told no by God in one area, there is another area just as important.  

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