Saturday, October 19, 2013

Are you where you want to be or where God wants you? Acts 7-8

Acts 7:9-10 (NASBStr)
“The patriarchs became jealous of Joseph and sold him into Egypt. Yet God was with him, and rescued him from all his afflictions, and granted him favor and wisdom in the sight of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and he made him governor over Egypt and all his household.

God is amazing!   In the midst of the worst trials of life, He and only He can turn the most tragic into the most terrific.   Joseph was hated by his brothers.  Unless you have had brothers who hate you and are willing to either toss you into a pit or sell you into bondage to slave traitors, you can relate to how this must have felt.  He was sent on an errand to check on the safety of his brothers and was sold as a slave instead.   Once in slavery he was given a good place to work and, yet, again, betrayed and mis-treated.   Finally, he was given the chance for freedom and put as second in the land under Pharaoh's authority.   God changed Pharaoh's heart and the heart of the people to hear the wisdom of Joseph.  Wisdom only God could give the young man.  God rescued him and granted him favor AND wisdom.  Joseph's wisdom came from God's grace.  Joseph's favor came from God's grace.    Joseph's governorship was God's grace.   In the midst of trials God can have a testimony through us, if we are willing, by faith, to simply be used by him.  Joseph was not where he wanted to be, but he was where God wanted him to be.  When we are where God wants us to be we can be assured we will have the favor from the world we need and the wisdom to provide to them.  Just think of the man delivering this message in Acts.   He will die at the end of the message.  But, he is where God wants him to be.   Joseph was promoted; Stephen will soon be stoned to death.  Yet, both were where God wanted them to be.  

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