Saturday, October 12, 2013

Are you speaking profound things at work? Acts 5-6

Acts 6:9-10 (NASBStr)
But some men from what was called the Synagogue of the Freedmen, including both Cyrenians and Alexandrians, and some from Cilicia and Asia, rose up and argued with Stephen. But they were unable to cope with the wisdom and the Spirit with which he was speaking.

Believers often underestimate the power of the Spirit in their lives to assist them at difficult times.   Especially in difficult times that call for discussion or debate about our belief.   Stephen was simply a man in the church.  He wasn't a trained theologian, that we know of.   The church needed some men to take over the care of the widows gathering in the church and, along with several other men, Stephen was selected.  It says that the qualification for these men was that they were full of faith and wisdom and had a good reputation.   They were Godly men first, servants of the widows, second.   However, Stephen proves himself to be quite a communicator of the gospel message.  When confronted by the religious leaders of the day he proved himself worthy of the debate.  It will cost him his life, however ... see chapter seven.   But, the truth in the above passage is that when called upon by God for any service, two things remain true.   The first is that wherever we serve we are to be faithful to the gospel message.  Simply servanthood to the widows does not exempt us from communication of the Word.   The second truth is that God fills ALL believers with His Spirit and with His Wisdom (Wisdom is Christ ... 1 Corinthians 1).   We can rest assured that as we walk in faith to Him that in any job we undertake He will give us power, wisdom and strength to fulfill it: To the point that the unbeliever will not be able to cope with what God provides.   Befuddled religious leaders can handle the clarity and power of God's Word delivered by His servants through His Spirit.   Our job is to be available, faithful and yielding.  God does the rest.   

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