Saturday, September 7, 2013

Do you have peace different than the world's peace? John 13-15

John 14:27 (NASBStr)
Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.

Jesus is speaking to his disciples for the last time ... as far has His earthly ministry goes.   He has told them in the beginning of chapter 14 that He is leaving, will build a home for them and return to get them (14:1).  He tells them He will not leave them as "orphans" (v. 18) but will leave them the Holy Spirit to comfort, guide, remind, protect and, most importantly, be His presence in their lives.   His "departure" speech adds the above line, as well.   Jesus is leaving them a peace that only can come from God.   Even though peace (shalom in the Hebrew) was a typical greeting (like you and I say, "Hi, how are you?") it was easy to say it and use the word and mean little in regard to peace for someone.  But, the Messiah was about providing peace to mankind.  (For the concept of the Messiah as the bringer of peace cf. Isa 9:6- 7; 52:7; 57:19; Ezek 37:26; Hag 2:9; Acts 10:36; Rom 14:17.)  Since Peace is a Fruit of the Spirit and the statement Christ makes here is in the middle of a discussion on leaving them the Holy Spirit to comfort them, we could conclude that the peace God leaves us is the same presence of the Spirit who is producing peace in our lives.  This is why it is not like the world's peace.  The world's peace is simply the absent of war.    God's peace is not the absence of something but the presence of something ... the Spirit of God.   Jesus would send the disciples and us the ministry of the Holy Spirit to produce a peace that would exceed anything man could produce.   In the midst of trial and tribulation the Spirit is producing peace in our lives to show us that reality and comfort of His presence.   

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