Saturday, June 22, 2013

Do you self-promote? Luke 13-14

Luke 14:11 (NASBStr)
For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

Recently I was invited to attend an award presentation for one of my "students" (a leader who I was hired to coach for a few years who turned things around and received honor for it).  When I arrived I had a choice of where to sit within the party.  I choose to sit in the back.   The person in charge spoke up and told me to move to the front.   Had that been reversed I would have been more than embarrassed.   That is the point that Christ is making in this story.   When you try to promote yourself, He says, you will be humbled.  When you humble yourself, you will be promoted.   Christ showed us what it is like to be humble.  He washed the disciples feet.  In our society the one in charge has "people" who do that.   He left heaven and slept on the earth, or in the back of boats, and had a rock for pillow.  In our society those who are great stay at the Hampton's, not the Hampton Inn in Jersey.     Humility is lost on a society that is all about flashy, shinny and self-promoting.   Jesus showed us His way is the meek and lowly.  The abased.   That is not to say that God doesn't promote and appoint.  Solomon was an example Jesus Himself used to show that God does and will promote and lavish (Matthew 6:29).   But, when God lavishes us with something we are to stay humble and to rejoice in His exalting us.  We are not to seek our own exaltation.  

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