Friday, May 17, 2013

What is happening while your up to your armpits in mud? Jeremaih 37-41

Jeremiah 38:7-9 (NASBStr)
But Ebed-melech the Ethiopian, a eunuch, while he was in the king’s palace, heard that they had put Jeremiah into the cistern. Now the king was sitting in the Gate of Benjamin; and Ebed- melech went out from the king’s palace and spoke to the king, saying, “My lord the king, these men have acted wickedly in all that they have done to Jeremiah the prophet whom they have cast into the cistern; and he will die right where he is because of the famine, for there is no more bread in the city.”

While Jeremiah was in the cistern he would have been praying for deliverance.  Here we see the background of God working in the man's heart to move him to rescue Jeremiah.  Jeremiah was in a pit, deep in and sinking in mud.   His prayer would have been desperate and deliberate.  He would not have filled his prayer with a lot of Thees and Thous.   We seldom see what was happening in the heart of Ebed-melech, the Ethiopian.   God was doing a work in his heart to move him to do something great for God.   When we are in trouble we probably have our eye on the mud and not on the hearts of other men.   Yet, God was doing a work in this man's heart that would save the prophet from death.   Jeremiah couldn't see the man, maybe didn't even know the man.  God, in HIs sovereign power, moved a servant to the king to stand up for Jeremiah.   Scripture doesn't record Jeremiah's prayer while he was in the cistern of mud, but we can only wonder and imagine what he prayed.  Whatever it was, God had moved the man to stand up the evil of the day and to use his place of influence and familiarity with the king to change Jeremiah's circumstances.  Never doubt that when we are in the mud, that God is hearing our prayers and moving in the hearts of those He wishes to use to rescue us.  

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