Jeremiah 33:3 (NASBStr)
‘ Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know. ’
In the midst of trials and tribulations we seldom think of asking God to show us great things. It just is not in our nature. We spend most of our time asking God to remove the thorn in our side, or heal something, or remove someone who is hurting us. The above verse has a great place in the story of Jeremiah not only for what it says but for the context of which it is given. Jeremiah has been shut-up in prison. He has prophesied to the king that Israel will indeed go into captivity. He has told the king that the Babylonians will sack the city and burn it to the ground. Jeremiah is not a popular guy and is asked to deliver an even unpopular message. Yet, in the midst of all this, God gives him instruction to "call to Me" and God will "tell you great and might things, which you do not know." Jeremiah may have been in the state of saying, "God, I really don't want to know anymore! The stuff you are telling me is putting me in great risk." The fact that God says this statement to Jeremiah is profound to me. Jeremiah is one of the greatest prophets we know. He has written this entire volume on the character and acts of God. He has explained or will explain everything God is has done and is going to do with the nation of Israel. What more is there to know? Yet, that is the beauty of the statement and of God. What we know now is the but the outer edges of His garments. Paul stated that his greatest desire was to "know God" and the power of HIs resurrection (Philippians 3:10). He wanted to know the Love of God (Ephesians 3:19). Do we have a desire to "know more" about God. If we do, we have only to "call." The Hebrew word for "call" here is to come face-to-face. The word, at times in the Old Testament, is used in regard to a confrontation. But, here it is used as an invite from God to the prophet. God is asking Jeremiah to know Him more. He is saying, "Come face-to-face with Me and I will show you something you would not believe." God wants us to have that same desire and experience through His Son Jesus Christ. As we come to Him in faith He will show us things, great and mighty things, that we did not know. Are we still hungry to know more?
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