Friday, April 5, 2013

Why to followers fall? Jeremiah 7-11

Jeremiah 10:21 (NASBStr)
For the shepherds have become stupid
And have not sought the Lord;
Therefore they have not prospered,
And all their flock is scattered.

When leadership has lost its bearing and the flock will follow!!   In this section of Jeremiah we read about God's indictment of their falling away from His ways.   Every line and verse shows their apostasy.  They desired to follow the gods they created and/or creation itself.  They worshipped the sun and moon.  They cut trees and shaped them into lifeless gods with gold earrings and silver necklaces.   Why?  How?  Where were the priest who should have kept them in check?  Where were the rulers who should have pointed out their sins, early in their seed?   The above verse answers these questions.   When the leader goes astray they will lead others.    This is why leaders are held to a greater form of justice.  They are held to a greater standard.   In Luke 12:48 we read, "... to whom much is given, much is required."    Leadership is held to a higher level of accountability because when they fail so, too, do the sheep that follow.  Follower-ship is responsible, as well.  But leadership takes them to the edge of disobedience by failing to lead.  

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