Monday, April 29, 2013

Are people hearing from you what God is doing in you? Exodus 17-20

Exodus 18:10-11 (NASBStr)
So Jethro said, “ Blessed be the Lord who delivered you from the hand of the Egyptians and from the hand of Pharaoh, and who delivered the people from under the hand of the Egyptians. Now I know that the Lord is greater than all the gods; indeed, it was proven when they dealt proudly against the people.”

"Now I know that The Lord is greater than all the gods."    Oh, that all men would say these words as Jethro did in this passage.   Man i lost and looking for the answer to the hole in their heart.  It is ONLY filled with the God of the universe who is better than all the other gods they seek out to fill it.   Gold, pleasure, the chase, the view, the experience are all little gods who we try to use to fill the void in our hearts.  But, Jethro, after many years of searching finally was able to say, "Know I know ..."!   Why?   If we read the verse before this the answer is plan.   Moses, when we left to confront Pharaoh, left his wife and children with his father-in-law to be safe.  Upon his arrival back, Moses, the non-talker of the family, enlightened his father-in-law about all that God did.     He told of the victory over the Egyptians, the Red Sea thing, and the most recent "water out of the rock" miracle and the victory over the Amalikites.    Once Jethro "heard" of these things, he believed.   Non-believers need to hear for them to have faith.   In Romans 10 we see this developed more by Paul ... men need to hear God's Word because faith comes from hearing God's Word.    Yet, how shall the hear without a preacher?   Moses was the preacher in Jethro's life.    We tend to think of the preacher as the pulpit thumping variety.   Yet, every day believers are the real preachers.   When we tell others what God is doing in our lives they can hear and believe.   However, if Jethro would have stumbled on the Israelites when they were complaining about not enough water, would he have stopped to believe and say, "Now I know?"   No, people need to hear the way God has lead us through the trials, tribulations and struggles of life and they will, too, praise our God.   Let's not hide what God is doing in our lives under a bushel basket.  Let's shine the light.  

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