Sunday, March 17, 2013

Are we free to do anything? 1 Corinthians 5-6

1 Corinthians 6:12 (NASBStr)
 All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.

When Christ came to set us free from sin His work on the cross did more than simply set us free from the penalty of sin.   It also set us free from the bondage of sin and the trappings that come with that.   Note the above verse and relax and rejoice in the full breath of it.  Before we do that, however, we have to remember the context of these last two chapters (five and six) of this book.  Paul is correcting the believers in this church because there was impurity in their midst.  Rather than condemn it, the Corinthian church was oblivious to it.  Rather than mourning it they were rather puffed up and arrogant about it (5:1-3).  Paul corrects them by telling them that God will judge them.   But, in this section of the correction he wants them to remember that Christ set us free from the penalty of sin.  However, that does not give them a license to simply ignore sin in their lives.   He wants them to remember that freedom comes with responsibility.   We are free to engage in many things in this life, but when those things practice "authority" over us they are no longer profitable for us.   He wants us to remember that we are "with" Christ in many ways.  So, when we engage in sin and thus become "with" sin, we do harm to the body of Christ.   Freedom in Christ is not freedom to engage in whatever we want.   Freedom in Christ is to engage in a relationship with Him through the Spirit of God.   That allows us to remain free from sin and her traps and free in the context of living with Christ.   We have to make sure that the things we are engaged with are not damaging our relationship with Christ.   The question is not whether something is sin.  The question is whether or not something is profitable to further and deepen my relationship with Him.  

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