Friday, January 25, 2013

Why do countries war against each other? Isaiah 18-22

Isaiah 19:1-2

Behold, the Lord is riding on a swift cloud and is about to come to Egypt;
The idols of Egypt will tremble at His presence,
And the heart of the Egyptians will melt within them.
 “So I will incite Egyptians against Egyptians;
And they will each fight against his brother and each against his neighbor,
City against city and kingdom against kingdom.

Why do people fight?   We have so much fighting in this world.  So much anger and so much destruction of human life.   Why is this so?  There are probably multiple answers to that question but one response might be listed in the verses above.    One reason we have so much fighting is that God is using it to discipline mankind!!   Note that in this section the Prophet Isaiah is giving an "oracle" (a Pronouncement by God about what He is about to do) against Egypt.  In Scripture, Egypt is a picture of the world.   God is pronouncing what He is going to do and how He is going to accomplish it.   He is going to punish Egypt (verse one) and to do so He is going to allow Egyptians to fight against Egyptian.   In fact, the passage seems to indicate that God is going to take a pro-active approach to this waring between brothers.    There are plenty of other reasons that people may fight but you can't miss the fact that God uses inward fighting, at times, to accomplish His plan and His mission.   In this case discipline of the nation of Egypt.   We can put our heads in the sand and bend to political correctness by leaving God out of warring we see in life, but that would simply be foolish.  God indeed is doing a work in nations and He uses warring to accomplish it.   We should not embrace warring but we certainly, by faith, understand that God is using it to accomplish a greater task that we simply are not aware of.    The next time we see city against city and kingdom against kingdom, remember that God may be at work.   

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