Saturday, October 20, 2012

What's on your mind?

Have you ever wondered how things pop into your mind or your heart?  There is, undoubtably, much research and money spent on why we think the way we think and what stimulates our minds to think they way it does. I doubt, however, much credit is given to God that He intervenes in our minds to cause us to think something He wants.    When Moses reached 40 years of age he apparently grew tired of the ways of Egypt and wondered out to visit the Israelites, his real family and heritage.  Note what Steven says about this in Acts 7:

Acts 7:23
But when he was approaching the age of forty, it entered his mind to visit his brethren, the sons of Israel.

We should note here that the word translated "mind" in this verse in the NASV is a word "kardia", we get our English word, "cardiac."   Note what Vine says about the word in his excellent notes:

kardia, “the heart” (Eng., “cardiac,” etc.), the chief organ of physical life (“for the life of the flesh is in the blood,” Lev.  17:11 ), occupies the most important place in the human system. By an easy transition the word came to stand for man’s entire mental and moral activity, both the rational and the emotional elements. In other words, the heart is used figuratively for the hidden springs of the personal life.

In this verse, Stephen, by way of the Holy Spirit, gives us great insight into God's activities in daily life.  God places thoughts into our minds, which will move us to places He wants us to be, in order to engage in activities He allows, in order to accomplish great things He previously ordained (see Romans 8;28).  Most human psychologist would bulk at such a claim ... but God knows their thoughts and ordains them :).    In 2 Corinthians 10:5 we are told by Paul to bring all thoughts into obedience to Christ.   As we allow God to direct our paths it begins, by faith, to allow Him to direct our thoughts.    What has He placed in your mind today?  

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