Thursday, October 11, 2012

Do you see them ... all around you? Proverbs 29-30

Proverbs 29:7
The righteous is concerned for the rights of the poor,
The wicked does not understand such concern.

It is so easy to go through the day and not recognize the injustice in the world around  you.   We get so caught up in our own little worlds that we don't take the time to look out the window of our lives to see the way others are treated.   This proverb is telling us that when God saves us through Christ and declares us righteous by His work on the cross something not only changes in our hearts but in our view of the world around us.   Someone who has been declared righteous by God has not only a new vision of the world but a new obligation to act in the world on the behalf of others.  In this case, the rights of the poor.   They may be poor financially, or poor socially, or poor in looks, or poor in athleticism, or poor in any number of ways.   The righteous person should have a hunger for them and their right treatment.   People who are not righteous don't have an understanding of such things.  They are of those who inflict pain on the financial poor and prey on them.  They bully those who are poor in social ineptness.   They make fun of those who are poor athletically.   They suppress those who are poor in attractiveness.  One of the ways we know that we have be declared righteous is our view of the world around us and especially the view of the poor.   Do we see them?  Do we act on their behalf?

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