Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Do I have to go to church ... again? Psalm 122-124

Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem.
A Song of Ascents, of David.

122:1 - I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”

This Psalm, apparently, was a song the nation of Israel would sing when they made their way to Jerusalem to worship.  Three times a year the nation was commanded by God to gather for corporate worship and praise. Jerusalem eventually became that place where that worship was conducted and as they make the walk toward the city they would sing this song.   Although we don't think much about a particular city for our world today there are some practical lessons in this first verse we should not miss.  The first is that their was joy struck in the heart when the call for corporate worship was given out.   Our corporate worship today is not in a city but when the Body of Christ meets in some local assembly.  The place, like Jerusalem, is not emphasized today but the attitude should be the same.  When we are called to corporate worship there ought to be a sense of "gladness" and joy as we move on to join other believers in praise and worship.   When the Spirit of God fills you the Joy of The Lord should be natural and should be contagious.   Second, gathering together to worship God should be something we look forward to.  In a world of individualize service and isolated attitudes, being together for the sake of praise and worship to our Redeemer ought to top our list.   It is regretful that most people can find "better" things to do on Sunday when the Body of Christ meets. They seem to think that God will "overlook" their game, day-off, day of work, day to enjoy the family, or day to sleep in and rest, instead of a day and time of getting together to worship.    A third area in this first verse ought to be to remind us that when we get together to worship it ought not to be mandated or burdensome.  If we have made it such, God forgive us.  I think our church leaders and "structure" have made our time together, much of the time, a burden.  We feel like we are forced to work and forced to serve.   This first verse of this Psalm 122 tells us that the writer was glad when they said to him it is time to worship.   There was no looking at the watch wondering when it was done but an eagerness to stop what they were doing and worship together.   May we be so hungry to worship in this manner.    The last aspect of this first verse we consider is that someone is taking the initiative to "call others to worship" with them.   This is a "join us" in worship approach, not watch us in worship approach, or go and worship yourself approach.  We are to encourage one another in worship.  We ought not be afraid to encourage the saints to worship.  If someone is caught in the affairs of this world it is important that we solicit them to go with us rather than ignore their busyness.   Encourage someone to join you in worship.  It is a Biblical imperative.    

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