Saturday, August 11, 2012

Do you see spiritual opportunities around you? John 3-4

Some people have absolutely no "sensitivity" toward spiritual things, much less, issues of salvation.   They are so concerned about their physical needs and well being they fail to recognize the opportunities and activities of God around them.   Such is the case in John 4.   Jesus had broken all the "norms" of the day and engaged in a spiritual conversation about spiritual things with a Samaritan women - who, He points out, is living in an unwedded relationship with her sixth man.   Jesus finally turns the conversation to salvation and just as He might be able to "convert" her or bring her to the point of a decision His chosen disciples show up.  Instead of perceiving Jesus was in the midst of a possible salvation, the disciples question why He was talking to a women, much less a Samaritan women (4:27).   The women leaves her water pot and heads to town.   Opportunity missed!!!  The disciples, still void of the spiritual activity going on, ask Jesus if he was hungry.   LIke Martha who was too busy to see spiritual things going on, the disciples were too material and physical minded to see the activity of the Spirit in their midst.  We are the same.  We go to church and we are worried about parking, seating, volume, air conditioning, tempo, pocket change, length of time, fellowship, etc.   And that is during the one-hour we are supposed to be spiritually sensitive.   What about the other 167 hours in a week?   Are we so fleshly visioned that we lost all sight of faith?   We have to train our eyes to see spiritual activity.  We have to season our tongues to talk spiritual activity.  It is not about water and food it is about Jesus and the Spirit. 

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