Sunday, June 17, 2012

I know someone in High Places, do you? - Ephesians 1-3

What name do you know that carries the most "power" in your community, or organization?   From the beginning man has been obsessed with power.  No one intentionally attends an event and wants to be the farthest away from the "head table."  Our societal system is one of hierarchal positioning.   In the old days we called it a "picking order."   You either want to be at the top of the picking order, or know someone who is.   In Ephesians chapter one we have Paul's great and complete run-on sentence in the English about what God has done for us.  In 1:21-22 he ends the great blessings we have in Christ with a marvelous statement saying that Christ is positioned high above all authority.   He is at the top and all authorities submit to Him.   This is the beauty of being a "child of the King."  We know the Person at the top.   We know the name we can call on to make a difference.  You might be able to call upon a political figure you know, a CEO you know, or even an Elder of a Church you know.   But none of them have absolute power.    God has given His Son, Jesus, absolute power.   When we call upon the name of Jesus we are calling on absolute power.  All other powers are subject to His.   Let's rejoice in His absolute power.  But, let's also rejoice that we are "connected" to Him.   It is nice to be a "connected" person - someone who knows Someone in HIgh Places.   

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