Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Do you know all that God does for you? Psalm 69-71

We don't know the sum of some things. We do know the sum of many things. We typically know the sum of our wallets. Usually not that hight. We know the sum of the gas in our car gas tank. Again, not usually high. We can know the sum of the mileage to our homes, our friends, the moon and some stars. We know the sum of many, many things. We learned them all in school, or most of them. However, we do not know the sum of one thing - the great deeds of God. God has done so much that we can't count them, we can calculate them, and we would never be able to describe them. In 71:15 of these Psalms we read, "My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness And of Your salvation all day long; For I do not know the sum of them."   We do not know the sum of God's marvelous deeds.   I doubt if we could recall and number the account of marvelous deeds God has done just for us, much less the all the deeds He has done.  God is in the business of doing good to HIs people and the world in general.  God's Word says that He sends the rain on the just and the unjust.   God is perfect in His deeds to us.   We couldn't count them or calculate them.   They are simply too great for us to know.   When we are busy calculating our pain, our failures and/or our suffering, it is good to know that God is busy doing good deeds to us.  

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