Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Do you ever make a vow? Psalm 75-77

We live in a world where our "word" is not always our "word."   Couples make vows to each other every day in wedding ceremonies only to have the vows broken years later.   Employees often break their vows to employers and employers to employees.   You have to always read the fine print in the business contract to make sure the "vow"  you are hearing is actually a real vow or really just a sales pitch.   In Psalm 76:11 we are told two things:  First we are told to MAKE a vow to God and then we are told to KEEP the vows we make.   One sure way to avoid commitment is to not make a vow.  But God tells us in HIs Word He wants us to make vows to Him.  We should never hesitate to make Him a vow.   We owe Him everything.   Our "vows" show our commitment and love and dedication to Him. They also show our trust for Him.   In our vows we ought to realize we can't keep them.  But, we make them based upon faith that He will enable us and sustain us through them.   That brings us to the second point in verse eleven, we are to KEEP the vows we make.   In Ecclesiastes 5 we are warned about making a vow and not keeping it.   But, in our depraved state we really can't keep the vows we make, no matter how honest and committed we may be.  It is only Christ living in us that will enable us to keep a vow to God.   So, our vow is to be made TO God, THROUGH Christ, FOR God.    Make a vow to God and trust Him to fulfill it in us.  

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