Thursday, April 5, 2012

Who really owns your stuff? Job 27-28

Job 27:17 - He (the man who desires and acquires riches) may prepare it, but the just will wear it and the innocent will divide the silver.

The unbeliever may "prepare" his riches but the just (righteous) will "wear" it.   It is amazing how many believers in God and Christ's redemption get caught up in envy of the unbelievers world.   We desire their treasures, their talent and their time.   We want their investments and their retirment plans. We twist God's Word to allow our minds to believe God wants us to pursue the "things of this world."  Yet, Job, who has lost everything, tells us plainly in chapter 27 that the rich and the worldly will lose it all ... and, they will lose it all to the "Just" (those who fear God and are declared righteous through Christ's blood).   So, we envy and desire to have what God will eventually just give us in the end.   We push God out of the way in pursuit of riches and God wants to just give us the riches if we but pursue Him (Psalm 23:6).  Let's make sure we realize that God wants to give us what we desire but we must first desire Him and then "all these things will be added onto you!" 

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