Sunday, March 18, 2012

We can socialize with unsaved drunks, but not believing drunks? 1 Corinthians 5-6

Paul is pretty clear about most of his doctrine. He doesn't hide what he believes and wants us to teach others. In most of his books he lays out his doctrine so that everyone can grasp it, with a few exceptions in each book. Peter told us that Paul has some "hard things" to understand. I would agree but I think he has "harder things" he writes to "practice" (Read Romans 12 if you don't believe me!). But, in this chapter he gives us some hard, hard truth to grasp and to practice. In 5:11 Paul writes: But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so- called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler —not even to eat with such a one. Paul had just told the church at Corinth that he was NOT telling them they couldn't associate with the unsaved world who did these things, but to stay away from someone who calls himself or herself a brother and does these things. The context of chapter five is that there was a young man in the church, who claimed to be a believer, who was sleeping with his step-mother. Apparently all the church knew about it (5:1-10). Paul tells them they shouldn't avoid contact with the unsaved world ... that would necessitate them "coming out of the world" (the implication being that would be impossible). Paul does, however, want them to use their "social" contact as a form of discipline for the "saved brother/sister" who is practicing open sin. This type of "discipline" is neither practiced, preached or accepted by the church today. Imagine a pastor standing in his pulpit today and "telling" the members not to "associate" with the saved brother/sister who everyone knows is living in open sin! Even with the authority of God's Word most would not do it or fail to believe it or even revolt against it. The truth Paul writes is very, very easy to understand. I can affiliate with unsaved men/women who practice sinful deeds. I am NOT to affiliate with believers who do the exact same thing. Truth is truth ... but it doesn't mean it is easy to do!

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