Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Faith overcomes my despair - Psalm 27-29

When in the midst of despair we seldom see the future. We are typically "looking" at the waves around us (see Peter) and not the Savior in front of us. We are typically looking at the army behind and the Red Sea in front and don't see the God of Creation in the cloud above us. Faith is the eye transplant for the believer. Faith takes the eyes of the flesh and focuses them on the spiritual. In this section of reading it is the movement from the eyes of flesh to the eyes of faith that enables the Psalmist to write these great words. In just one verse we see this concept summarized:

Psalms 27:13 - I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living.

Notice the connection between the words "believed" and "see". Belief allows you to see things differently. You no longer see the situation through the eyes of the flesh you see what God wants you to see through the eyes of faith. Faith focuses the eyes on God's character! His promises that He NEVER breaks! His power that He NEVER loses! His purpose that HE never detours from! Faith changes our outlook to see the "goodness" of the Lord in the land of the living! Where is the focus of your eyes?

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