Monday, February 13, 2012

What do you do when your friends question your faith? Genesis 24-27

In chapter 24 Abraham is concerned that his son, Isaac, will take a wife from those in the land and thus violate the covenant he has with God. So, he instructs his servant to go to the land he left to find a wife for Isaac. The servant, either out of curiosty, seeking further instructions, doubt or intrigue, asks, “Suppose the woman is not willing to follow me to this land ; should I take your son back to the land from where you came?” How do you respond to those around you who ask you the reason for the "hope that is in you?" Peter tells us to always have that answer (1 Peter 3:15). Abraham immediately points the servant to the sovereignty of God. God wants us to trust Him for everything. So, Abraham makes sure the servant is equipped to do the job he was asked. If you are going to solicit others to help you in your personal (or professional) life you should make sure they are not only equipped with the parameters of the job but also the Person behind the job. Teaching others about the sovereignty of God is key in making sure we surround ourselves with those committed to the same thing we are committed to. The servant goes to the land of Abraham's birth and actually prays a prayer for help from God, fully trusting in the sovereign God of Abraham. Surround yourself with those who believe what you believe and educate those who don't.

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