Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Before God can save, you have to recognize your in trouble - Psalm 21-23

In these three Psalms we have a great picture in the redemptive story of the Bible. In these three chapters we have the writer (David) seeing the fallen state he is in and the need of a Savior (a Savior to be born from his seed). The problem with most people is that they know they have some defects but don't sense they have to be saved. They know they have a few "issues" in their life but nothing so serious they can't "work" through it. In the following verses we see the real theme of these three chapters in graphic form:

Psalms 22:20-21 "Deliver my soul from the sword, My only life from the power of the dog. Save me from the lion’s mouth; From the horns of the wild oxen You answer me."

David sees four possible terrors he needs to be rescued from: The Sword; The Dog; The Lion; and, The Wild Oxen. Each has the power to kill and/or to inflict harm. Each has the power to send him to his grave. David cries out to God for "deliverance" and that is what these chapters are about. Today we have a society who doesn't see the sword, dog, lion or oxen. We only see minor issues facing us and think our man-made remedies will save us and cure us. But only God can deliver from real harm. The Lord will deliver those who cry out to Him. That is the lesson from these verses and chapters. God Saves ... do we know we need it?

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